Wednesday 31 January 2018

Deep Snow

Good morning everyone!

I am extremely happy to announce that we have four days of forecasted snow, 5-15cm each day!!! We have already had a very decent season so far, and now another big dump is on it's way.  I haven't been up touring for a week or two and plan to head up today or tomorrow to do a couple of laps in the alpine.
Touring up Hudson Bay again

Little baby snow ghost

It feels good to hike up and earn your turns!

Life in Telkwa has been good. It's always pretty quiet around here, so we went out for sushi (I had vegan sushi... nothing to write home about) with some friends last week in Smithers, and this past weekend we went to Prince George to visit other friends and do a big Costco shop.  It's nice to get out for a change of scenery every so often.  And getting to hang out with friends really fills the old cup up.  It's so hard to meet new people here - unless you belong to a church, it's very hard to get into the community and make friends.  That being said, I'm happy having my friends spread out as well, so I always seem to have someone to visit in another place.

My friend Sara in Prince George has just been engaged and she's already planned half of the wedding.  They have a budget, know how many people are coming and have a whole plan in place.  And then there's us... Just taking it slow and easy.  We've got a few ideas up our sleeves but don't have anything concrete set in place.  Still trying to teach Bruce how to carry wedding bands on his tail.... just kidding!

After a hiatus from work, my last boss called me up the other day and asked if I would be interested in coming back in a part-time capacity.  They need some help getting contractor packages out the door, and making up maps. This would only be a fraction of the workload that I had before, and only three days a week.  I'm going to take it on and hope that I can hitch a ride to and from Houston with someone else from the office, so that I don't have to do that drive anymore.

For the days when I don't work, I'm hoping to get back into yarn dyeing, which I only dabbled in during the summer. I would love to boost my skills and entertain the idea of selling some skeins at farmer's markets.

As I'm looking out of the kitchen windows, it's not yet light outside and my eyes keep tricking me into seeing big fat snowflakes drifting by... the snow hasn't started falling quite yet... Tom isn't as thrilled by the prospect of snow as I am, because that means he'll have to go plowing.  A task, we're learning, that makes his butt hurt from sitting in a truck all day hahah . I've offered to switch positions with him a few times - I'd love to push a big blade around town clearing snow!

I've applied to a few positions back home and Tom is applying to some today. We're not sure when we will get jobs and be able to move home, but recently we've started looking earlier than anticipated.  Originally we wanted to stay here for the summer to hike but now we're ready whenever.  That being said, I am NOT doing the cross-country drive in the winter again.  That was bonkers.  And as this will be my 11th time crossing the country.. or 12th??... it is most definitely time to hang up the road trip hat.  How many times have I said I'm never doing that drive again?! lol As my mom says, every Canadian should do it once.. but I think maybe only once. haha

I'm trying my first ever pair of hand-spun socks, and knitting them two-at-a-time for the first time!

My knitting mojo is in full swing.  To the point where I'm having to wear my wrist braces on a regular basis and ask Tom to massage my wrists and hands.  It's a dangerous addiction, this knitting.  Along with these socks, I'm working on a BIG wrap, and after a trip to the yarn shop with Tom this past weekend, he's requested a new pair of socks too! Wrists, don't fail me now!

I have really, really enjoyed my time off from working.  I've had the opportunity to catch up on some things that I love, and really think about what I want my next steps to be.

Here's hoping this post finds you safe and sound, healthy and happy wherever you are.  I hope the first month of your 2018 is off to a great start .


Monday 1 January 2018

Welcome 2018

Good afternoon from the first day of the new year! I hope everyone had a safe and fun New Years' Eve.  We had grand plans to hike up the hill by our house to watch fireworks over the town... but got a bit too cozy in pj's and didn't stay awake until midnight.  Still a nice night in.

I got Tom a vegan cookbook for Christmas - not that he needs one, since he's a natural chef - and we cooked our third meal out of it last night.  Sooo yummy. We are still about 90% vegan and I'm loving it.  I don't miss meat AT ALL (sorry dad), have been able to get around no eggs and no dairy and really only miss a sharp crumbly cheddar cheese.  I feel much more focused and energized too.  Tom has lost weight which we didn't think was possible, but he's excited that now his muscles are even more defined haha.  The only place I seem to have lost weight is in my arms (weird) which I'm liking - I'd fallen off the gym wagon but my arms still look ripped! hahah

Speaking of the gym, a very small gym has open honestly only 100m from our front door.  We got a "couples pass" the other day, to try for a month and have been twice so far.  Just got back from a workout this morning and man oh man do I feel it!  Looking forward to getting back into the swing of the gym, which I really think makes a difference in how I feel from day to day.  Much less sluggish and it definitely helps my posture too by snugging up my muscles around my back.

I have a much more positive and relaxed outlook on the year ahead, now that I have left Canfor.  Again, nothing against the company at all (!!!) but for me, I'm finding it's important to have a better work/life balance, and I need that time at the end of the day to unwind and do the things that I love.  I found that after the commute from Houston and after either a day in the bush (wrecking my back) or a day sitting at a computer (also wrecking my back) I felt like garbage at the end of the day.  I also never saw the sun when I worked in the office.  ANYWAY, moving forward, I feel so much better now and am filling my time with knitting, spinning, getting things in order and trying to find a more relaxed job close to home. 

As it's New Years' Day, I'm probably clearing the Christmas tree out of the house today, so I thought I'd take some pictures of the house for you before the warm glow of the tree's lights are gone.

Bedroom... pretty self explanatory haha
Yoga room with my finished sweater drying!!!
Living room complete with tree
Same room, tiny difference in angle.  Pls note Tom's new playstation controllers on the foot rest.... my fiance is turning into a teenager.  And yes, that's me in the mirror with a towel on my head... what a pair we are.
Tom chatting on the phone in the kitchen
There you have it!  And the house is actually staying pretty clean now that I'm home.  Tom keeps calling me the crazy German lady because I'm constantly cleaning. I've noticed that by keeping on top of our tidiness, I'm finding "things" that we don't need or use and can just get rid of them on the spot.  I downloaded a new book that you may have heard of; Soulful Simplicity  by Courtney Carver.  Since it's a book about "being more with less", please note how I downloaded it onto my Kindle in an attempt to have less... not just a pretty face over here haha!  I've become interested in the minimalist outlook and way of living, so thought I would do some reading into the subject.

Another thing I've become interested in, is Ali Edwards and her project called "one little word".  It's all about her idea of choosing one word that means something to you, and living with that word in mind, for the entire year.  So for example, I've heard someone choose a word (which I can't remember) that reminded them to take time for them self and take care of them self, but at the same time reminded them to take care of those around them that may need a little extra time.  I think I might give it a shot and use the word "intention" to remind myself to do what makes me happy, do it with an intention in mind, only purchase things I have an intention for... on and on.  I think it will really help me get the most out of each day too, which I feel like I've been letting slip through the cracks recently.  Every day just melting into the next with nothing exciting happening.

Anywho... cue the random plant photo.
I was trying to get the snowflakes in the background... but in any case here is our plant who is so happy to have a real window in our house (compared to the basement we were in)
The cats are so happy that our -30/40 degree weather seems to have left, and have been going outside a lot to play with the neighbour's cat.  They still don't last too long in the snow, and eventually come in to warm up on the floor.
Bruce cat-mat
Odin and his well-loved box nearby. I haven't been able to bring myself to recycle it - Odi loves it so much
So! There you have it.  Still cozy and happy here in the mountains and living by the river.  I'll have to get some pictures of the river for next time.  Very chilly looking these days.

I hope you're starting the new year in the right foot, and taking some time for YOU!

Until next time, xoxo

Sunday 10 December 2017

The Christmas Tree is Up!

Good afternoon from a very sunny Telkwa.

Tom and I just returned from our hunt for the perfect Christmas tree... Which ended up being pretty simple.  We drove to the end of a plowed road, walked 15m down a trail and cut a tree from under some power lines.  Done!  We just threw some lights on it, and will have to come up with some cool decorations... We have one from my mom and I just made a cardboard star for the top.  Tom is working on a snowflake and maybe we can make a popcorn garland!  We will see.  So far I'm just happy the cats haven't tried to climb it.
Ta da!  More pics of the house to come in another post.  Still learning how to decorate haa
The end of the year is coming and looking back, I have done so much!  It's been a rollercoaster, but and adventure and everything worked out : )  Looking forward, I feel like the future will be an adventure too.  I have been thinking about my job at Canfor, and have decided to leave after my contract is up at Christmas.  I have not felt great about my job since the end of the summer.  I have a field position but becuase of my back, I can't fulfill the job description.  So I was then brought into the office but unfortunately sitting at a computer all day means I feel bad at the end of the day too... and I'm going stir crazy working in an office. Next year would be the same - still being sent to the field most days (ouch!) and a fall and winter at a computer.  Recently Jill asked if I wanted to be at the job anymore and my gut said no.  So I have decided to make a clean break and leave on good terms.  

It makes me anxious looking ahead without a real plan.  But I'm determined to use this time wisely!  I know we will be back in Ontario soon, and I intend on having a stable, big-girl job there.  So for now I'm looking forward to finding a few part-time, fun jobs around town.  Soak up the short commute, join community groups, and have a more equal work-life balance.  First resume will be going to the ski hill momentarily...
The boys have been encouraging me to just stay cuddled up with them every day
Not bad for the hill's second day open this season...
The ski hill has been amazing! We have gone for the past two weekends and the conditions are unreal for this time of year.  Word on the street is that we have the biggest base (deepest snow on the hill) in the whole province! woo hoo!
Tom gunning it past me!
Tom's first day out and first run down the hill... he went straight for the powder!!!  Flying over hidden logs and trees, ducking around corners and getting air off jumps, he was back at it in full force! 

Blue bird day for our ski guests

The following weekend my friend Sara and her boyfriend came to visit, from Prince George.  We all went up to the hill and skied a full day, capped of my dinner at the Mexican restaurant in Smithers.

 I first met Sara a couple years ago through work, and I barely get the chance to see her.  It turns out she and her boyfriend also want to move home soon, and would be looking around Midland for work - similar to us!! Hoping we get the chance to hang out back home.

***As I type, Tom and I are having vegan egg nog (with coconut milk) and I swear it takes just like the real thing. Addicting ***

Tom sold his truck a couple weeks back, to help with bills and payments and has been whipping around in my car.  His truck sold for a good amount, plus he has made the older man who bought it, feel safe going up the mountain to his cabin : ) I'm glad my car isn't just sitting while I use the Canfor work truck to get to and from work everyday.  Once that changes and we both need the same vehicle, I think I might be driving Tom to work in the mornings, or him walking - thankfully we are probably a 10 minute walk from his work.  Nice and close.  There's a fancy yarn shop that's even closer... I will also be dropping my resume there, too. And checking when their knit night is!

I've realized I don't have any other interesting pics to share, so here are some from Tom for your viewing pleasure:

Sunny day on the ski hill

It's getting dark at 3:45pm!

The view from Tom's garbage truck.  He sees these three almost every week during garbage pick-up! Twins!!
Well if you will excuse me, I'd like to go admire the Christmas tree and sip on egg nog... egg-less egg nog haha

I hope everyone is doing well, and taking the time to enjoy this time of year! Let it snow.


Thursday 16 November 2017

New Home

Good morning from under more than 40cm of snow!

Winter has definitely arrived here in the valley and it's wasting no time in cleaning things up with a deep, fluffy layer of white.

The ski hill's opening day is November 24th, and I suspect there will be a great base for early-season.  Currently, the snow table at the hill is in the dark - here's the view from yesterday, and it has snowed again overnight...

With the cold season here and the sump pump going all of the time in the basement apartment (and stressing me out!) Tom and I started looking for other rentals in town.  As luck had it, just as we were talking to another landlord about seeing another rental, our current landlord proclaimed that she was moving home permanently. As of that day.  Thanks for the heads up ** eye roll**.  You may remember that she was living somewhere in Northern Alberta, working as a chef for the mines, guiding and planting camps (the story seems to change all of the time), and was never here.

When she got back to Telkwa, it was a nightmare.  She stomps around upstairs like an elephant, has a dog that howls and poos all over the backyard, and she hides from us, not wanting any contact.  So to date I have only met her in person once, and that was because Tom and I went up to her door last year and stood there till she opened it.

Low and behold, we have found an AMAZING rental in town, and have moved in!  We have a whole (small) house to ourselves.  No basement = no flooding!  In-floor radiant heat that hasn't even come on yet!  We've set it to 18 degrees, but the house is spray foam insulated and ridiculously airtight, so the inside has been staying anywhere from 20-22 degrees on it's own! The house comes with layers upon layers of garden boxes along the front and side of the house, a large greenhouse where we can start our seeds this February, and a HUGE shop.  You could park a logging truck in there.  It conveniently came with workout equipment in the shop, so that will likely save us money in gym memberships.

And now for a tour:

With all of the noise upstairs, the cats were freaking out and were so happy to help pack.  They wanted to leave first.
Our cozy little home. 1658 Third Street.
Front entrance.
Entrance, living room and kitchen.  And Tom.
View from the back door - where our boots were in the last picture : ) Those far doors are our bedroom on the right and spare on the left.
Swanky IKEA kitchen.  DISHWASHER!!! Would it kill Tom to smile?
Our bedroom
Yoga room
Washroom (jeez I just noticed myself in the mirror)
NOW he smiles.... Tom in the workshop.  This is really only half of it's depth!

Greenhouse.  I.  Can't.  Wait.

Those pictures were from only moments after we got the keys.  We now have our bed and furniture (two chairs and a coffee table lol) in the house and have our eyes open for a cheap couch.

The house is only one road back from the highway, and I've been surprised at how much faster I can get to work! Bonus, because now I have a little bit longer to wake up in the mornings before hitting the road.

We can walk right across the highway to the Post Office and the walking trails along the river.  There are also walking trails on our side of the highway, that connect all the way back to Tyhee Lake.

Also, because the house is so well insulated it is very quiet inside.  We don't hear the highway (not that there is much traffic in the north anyhow) and the only sound that makes it inside is the muffled train whistle (the tracks are now closer to us).  In the summer if we have the windows open, that could be another story, but for now it's amazing how much more relaxed I feel in the new place.  No worries about how much noise we are making, or being startled by an elephant tap-dancing upstairs. The cats are so happy and play all day and all night... which can be annoying when we're trying to sleep haha. They love the warm floors and flatten out like cat-carpets.

So far this house design is pretty amazing.  We will only have one utility bill to pay - hydro. And honestly, because the floors haven't even come on once, I don't expect it to be outlandishly expensive. Definitely something I am going to remember in the future when we want to build our own house.

This is how much snow we had at work in Houston yesterday... 

Jill has been keeping me in the office lately, helping out with permitting.  It's a bit weird, teaching the new permitter things, when he's full time and I'm at the bottom of the food chain here.  But, I have a company truck, good pay, and for the moment I'm not breaking my back everyday.  So I shouldn't complain.

That being said, now that I sit all day, I have to remember to get up and move nd do some exercises at my desk - my back is aching from not being used at all now hahha If it isn't one thing it's the other.  Something to work on.

My contract is up at Christmas and will renew in the new year for 10 months.  That means I will have two months off!  I'm thinking about trying to get a job at the ski hill, or as a barista... but at the same time, E.I. and a ski trip to the Kootenays sounds pretty good too.

Anyhow, we still don't have our internet set up in the new place, so I've come to work early to get this up - I'd better start doing some work now. 

Hopefully the beginning of winter is being good to all of you!

Saturday 21 October 2017

New Season, New Chapter!

Good morning everyone,

The weather is quickly changing here and the mountains are now completely blanketed in fresh snow.  The valley bottoms don't have any snow as of yet - but it's on it's way!  I've had some scary drives to work over Hungry Hill this past week.

Heli flight on the first day with snow
I feel like we've only just settled back into our old routine after a visit home at the end of September.  It was great to see family and friends, spend time lounging by the pool (it was so hot!), taking Tom on his first sailing excursion on dad's boat, swimming at the beach by mom's, exploring Presqu'isle with Tom's parents and playing bocce ball.....  and Tom proposed!  We are now very happily engaged and looking forward to all that is coming : )

Georgian Bay sailing
'Cirrus' the boat

Got a little 'ship faced' while sailing

Tom's first you can see it was a VERY calm day

It took a while (for me, at least) to get back into the swing of things with work and life around these parts.  I'm realizing that I really do miss working closer to home and having shorter work days... but who doesn't!? haha definitely something I will keep in mind the next time I search for a job.  And this next time... I hope it sticks!  I'm at the point where I don't want to be picking up and moving all over the place anymore.  I'm glad I did it; I'm glad I've lived in all of the places that I have, and explored all of the towns, cities and provinces.  With all of the experiences I gained from doing that, now I'm ready to just chill out!! Lay some roots, get a job to stay in for an extended time and use my free time in the future to travel all over with Tom instead of just between Ontario and BC to visit : )

One of the ladies at work was giving me some pointers on future job avenues - she said I may feel like I'm pigeon holing myself by being in forestry, but really, those skills can be used in a variety of fields.  She worked for the Ministry of Forests here in BC for the majority of her working career, and says I should look into the Lands Department, Environmental Planning, Municipal work, all sorts of stuff!  That definitely helped me feel more optimistic about future job hunting.  How many times have I gone down this path of job hunting?!? I'm done! haha

Looking ahead, one day we'd like to be back in Ontario, have close-by jobs with minimal stressors, and I've told myself I need to be on a lake! haha Cottage country here I come!  I'm looking forward to having a job with shorter hours, like the one I had at CVC, so that I can pursue other things in the afternoon.  I haven't worked out in MONTHS other than one Saturday here or there, because I get home at 5:30 most days, after waking up at 5:20am and don't want to have to switch out the work truck for my car at home, continue driving the 15 mins to the gym, do an hour there and drive back. 
I'd also like to spend more time practicing my yarn dyeing.  Hopefully one day I can start selling my yarn but want to get really good at it before shocking the market with it's beauty hahha ; )

The kitty cats are good and are so happy to have us home.  Odin had some stomach issues this past week, but thankfully Tom was able to get him to the vet quickly, and got some pills to "plug" the issue, shall we say.  I won't get into the gross details.

One of the the full-time guys at Tom's work is leaving, which means Tom has the opportunity to apply for full-time!  And that would mean that he would be sent on courses and training all over the province.  That would be amazing to put on his resume, plus I am definitely going to tag along if he ends up doing training down in the Kootenays... and if it's ski season I'm bringing my skis too!  In the past the training has been in Kamloops and Kelowna, and even Vancouver.

On the way home from Ontario, we stopped in Vancouver for the weekend, and my 31st birthday.  It was so much fun.  We went to a yarn and fibre festival (Yarn City) and toured the treetop walk at the Capilano bridge.  We stayed with Tom's aunt, uncle and cousins, who were gracious hosts and even gave up their king sized bed for us!!

Van city from Stanley Park

Tom taking a walk on the wild side!

Nothing like some Beaver Balls to sustain your tree top walk

Loved this walk!
Knitting season is upon us, and I've made plans to teach Jill how to knit, sometime next week.  She says to bring beer and that we may have to take the next day off of work hahha I can't wait.
Tom is knitting his second hat, with wool he got at Knit City (which incidentally, was hand-dyed in Ontario).
Tom's awesome yarn.  Ombre gradient in the "waterfall" colourway
I was almost done that cabled sweater of mine -- you may remember it's the one I started back in FEBRUARY (it's been a challenge).  I was on the second sleeve and realized I'd done all of the increasing at the start and not staggered up the arm... had to rip out the arm and haven't looked at it in a week. Grrr.  I'll get back to it soon, but for the moment am mad at it! 

Well the day is getting started here in Telkwa - the cats are attacking one another, Tom is out tinkering with his truck, and I've got a haircut to go to! So if you'll excuse me, I'd better get on my way.

Enjoy your weekend! xoxox

Sunday 10 September 2017

Fall is coming

Good morning from our cozy home in Telkwa.

There's a big rain forecasted for today so we're getting ready by baking some muffins, cleaning the house a bit, and relaxing with some knitting, movies and cat-cuddles.

We've been doing lots of exploring lately! Last weekend (the long weekend) Tom and I went for a drive and found ourselves at the Telkwa River, at the base of the Telkwa Range of mountains.  We got out and walked along a little trail through the woods, popping out to the river to check for bears every so often - no bears, phew!  We found some creepy abandoned vehicles in the bush - one van that looked like it had been washed down the river in the 80's, and an equally old bus.  We were wondering if it was the bus from Into the Wild...

The water looked cool and textured in this pic!
Tom and his Magic School Bus
Next up was the Hankin Plateau hike.  Tom wanted to hike to the very top of the plateau, but we only made it half way thanks to me... I'd been to the gym for the first time in months, the day before, and honestly thought my legs were going to give out if I tried to go any further.  Sadly, we may not get the chance to hike to the top again this year; the area is in a Caribou Recovery Area, which mean that the backcountry in this area is closed to people from mid-Sept 'til the following summer.  This is in an effort to protect the dwindling Caribou population that uses the area to over-winter.  That being said... there are only 14 Caribou in the herd! So a big closure for a small herd. Oh well, the hike will be there waiting for us next summer.

View from the lookout - that second ridge on the left is where Tom had wanted to go... oops, sorry Tom.  And that's my finger up top haha
Nice view of the glacier and peaks.  Goat habitat!  We looked by didn't spot any.
I built a little Inuksuk for the Caribou.  I wonder if it will be there next year.
I went on a Canfor team-building event to the Sibola Mountains!  So these mountains are waaay down south of Houston, along logging roads.  About a two hour drive or 115km on bumpy logging roads - totally worth it!  We had the chance to explore part of the area that not many others do.  Almost everyone from the office drove down with quads and we took off into the bush, crossed rivers (which was terrifying - I kept floating down stream) and had a BBQ on a river bank.

My quad and the mountain mist.

Some of the other quads during one of our stops to check out the scenery.
A nice spot to stop and take a break
 So, I'm STILL waiting to hear about that permitting job.  I had an interview about a month ago and was told they would get back to me either way in a week... It is still open and I was told it would be open until filled... so using my common sense on this one and I figure I wasn't picked.  Which is disappointing but, oh well, it kind of makes sense.  They probably want to have someone in that position who will stick around for a long time.

I've been stressing out over what to do now... Tom is enjoying his job and it pays well and we are happy staying here for a bit longer.  As Tom said, he'd like one more summer to hike all of the hikes and camp some more! Which is great - let's soak up the mountain life while we can!  That being said, I don't want to continue at Canfor in my current position.  It's a field position, which I don't want to put my back through any longer, and I come home and complain to Tom all night long about the dweeb that I work with.  Not what I want Tom to have to hear.  And not what I want to spend my time doing.  I would love to continue working at Canfor, but if they don't have a position that I can do and that keeps me out of the field, I think I should be going elsewhere.  My contract is up at the end of the year, so at least I won't be leaving in the middle of a contract - I can wait until it's up and then move on... BUT TO WHERE? ** and there goes my blood pressure haha

So that's become a constant worry of mine.  I'm trying not to obsess over it and let things happen.  I'm continuing to keep an eye out for any job (here and at home, just incase) and have started going back to the gym and doing yoga to burn off steam and keep my head on straight!

And I've also been knitting up a storm!  To the point that I've had to take a break because my hands hurt! haha! Here's the completed body of my sweater - I'm almost done the first arm, as well : )
It will be sooo warm and snuggly!
Bruce and the back of the sweater.  He loves sleeping on it

Tom made a table from old barn board Jill had, and he used a wood burner to do this awesome drawing on top!  He used transfer paper to trace the design from a print-out and then 'coloured' it in.

 The cats are doing well and are outside galavanting at the moment... I'm expecting them to come flying back inside as soon as the rain starts.  I'm worried they will be lonely when we come home for a visit.  We will be home from Sept 20-Oct 1st.  Jill and Tom's work-buddy Kevin are going to come and feed the cats but I hope they spend some time with the cats as well. They are used to Tom coming home at lunch, and us spending lots of time cuddling and playing with them.  They are also used to going outside, now... the house is going to be destroyed when we come back! It'll make for an interesting blog post at least : )

I am SO looking forward to our visit home, and will be topping it off with a visit to KnitCity in Vancouver on my birthday!! I can't wait!  It's a festival for everything knitting and I will definitely be filling up any empty space in my carry-on with YARN!!!

And on that note, I'm going to relax with Tom and plan out our tour of the big city!

Hope all is well wherever this blog finds you!
